Magazines & Reports

We create magazines and annual reports that look great in the recipient’s office waiting room or on their coffee table or office desk, allowing for an even larger number of people to engage with your materials.

When you have one opportunity to make a strong first impression with people, both new audience members or people you are seeking to re-engage with your organization, it is difficult to beat the first impression created by a high-quality, glossy magazine or annual report.

Premium-level print materials provide valuable information to your audience. This value extends beyond a typical short-term, sales-driven feel of a brochure or pamphlet. Whether you are sending it by mail or delivering it by hand, a well-produced magazine or report has the capability of immediately impressing and then pulling somebody into engaging with your message.

We create magazines and annual reports that look great in the recipient’s office waiting room or on their coffee table or office desk, allowing for an even larger number of people to engage with your materials. See samples below.

